Hello Guys, in this post we will go through required steps to Install Fog Server 1.1.2 on ubuntu server 12.04 LTS, if you have clean install ubuntu server 12.04 LTS with static IP that’s well and good if not you can refer to this post to get going with Ubuntu Server 12.04 Install . for more info on Fog project please visit http://www.fogproject.org/
so once we have a working clean install of Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS we can now proceed with Fog Server Installation.
Installation of Fog Server on ubuntu 12.04 is very simple and straight forward and normally involves below steps. i have done this on my server and all works fine for me , i hope this should also work for you as well.
- Login to Ubuntu Server via Putty, using Root Username/password
- now i like to keep things clean so before we download anything i would go upto root level using cmd “cd ..” “cd ..” and now will create a new Directory called FOG using below cmd
- mkdir FOG
- change directory to Fog using below cmd
- cd FOG
- now we will download fog install files download latest fog 1.1.2 (latest at this time) using below cmd
- wget http://optimate.dl.sourceforge.net/project/freeghost/FOG/fog_1.1.2/fog_1.1.2.tar.gz
- now time to unzip the archive using below cmd
- tar xf fog_1.1.2.tar.gz
- change directory to BIN under unzipped fog version named directory using below cmd
- cd fog_1.1.2\bin
- now run the installer using below cmd to install fog server 1.1.2
- sudo ./installfog.sh
- we will select option 2 for ubuntu. hit enter to proceed with install.
- we will keep default static IP as it is, now as I allready got DHCP server in my environment so i will not use fog’s inbuilt DHCP server and will say NO to all options now on and only Yes to last Install option.
during install this will ask for mySQL root user password. i have used same root user password.
at the end below prompt comes
- did you leave your mysql password blank during install ? : n
- enter same password root password you used earlier during install.
- setup should go ahead and come to final step.
before hitting Enter to finish install you need to go to web control panel for fog server by using give URL/IP link in install
login with default fog login details
username = fog
password = password
click on install/upgrade now, this should do the trick and confirm that its done and you can login to fog server,
now Hit enter on Putty console to complete install process.
and here we go , we have working fog server.

once again thanks for your time and positive comments welcomed.
Harjeet Singh (Harry)